Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Pay it Forward! I was given an amazing referral while working a side inspirational read.

Most of you know, I have been an unemployed entrepreneur since 2008 struggling to make my dreams come true with my invention, The iTie. It's funny how things come together in times when you least expect it. While working a side job yesterday, I had the pleasure of meeting a gentleman by the name of Bart. What is most surprising is the manner in which we met. I was working as a driver for Oracle here in Tampa, transporting clients to and from the convention center and their hotels...out of 3 available drivers, I got Bart. During the ride to his hotel, Bart asked me what my day job was...I proceeded to tell him my story about being laid off in 2008, inventing my product, and developing The iTie into Anchor Neckwear. Bart not only loved the idea, he took it upon himself to write a detailed Email to 100 people in his professional network. Needless to say, I was blown away with his kindness and his "Pay it Forward" attitude to life. During these tough times, his refreshing outlook on life has influenced me to pay it forward more often. I hope his thoughtful email does the same for you, here it is:

Subject: Pay it forward

Hi everyone. I hope you are doing well.

As many of you know, I am currently in Tampa for a conference. While here, I had the pleasure of meeting Joe Sale, who is the President and Founder of iTie (currently being rebranded as Anchor Neckwear). Mr. Sale lost his job in 2008 due to the economy. In the spirit of true entrepreneurship, he started his own company that specializes in neckwear. The great news is that he is on to something with his ties, but needs help spreading the word.

Those who know me best know that I am a big believer in “pay it forward” and “random acts of kindness.” Mr. Sale is working as a driver at the conference I am attending and shared his story with me. He was wearing one of his ties and I will be buying a couple of them. I was so impressed with him, his ties and his story that I committed to helping him out by sharing his story with each of you. If you are currently in the market for a new tie, you would be well served to consider one of his. If not, perhaps you will be impressed enough to forward this message to someone who might be in the market for a new tie.

Here are the basics: His current website is On that website you will see the concept. Anyone who wears a tie from time to time will know how frustrating it is when they flap in the wind, get twisted, etc. Also, those who have a mind toward efficiency will recognize that a tie is wasted space that could be used for other purposes. Mr. Sale has an invention that solves those problems. In short, he has a new solution to an old problem. His new website is a reflection of his re-branding efforts and will be:, though this website is not yet operational. His inventory is being updated and things are changing as I type this, so feel free to check back often. The main point, though, is that he has a good product and needs help in spreading the word and generating sales.

If you have no interest, feel free to delete this email. If you are interested, though, please take a few moments to help Mr. Sale establish his business.

Thank you.

Bart T.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Happy New Year from Joe Sale & The iTie

I would personally like to thank each of you for your support of The iTie over the past year. The first year of any business can be challenging, but working through adversity and growing personally and professionally will make you stronger in the long run. Over the past year, hundreds of people have purchased iTies, and I am happy to say, NOT A SINGLE RETURN! Needless to say, the first year of The iTie has been a great one.

Looking ahead to 2010, I am making some major improvements to The iTie. While the functionality of The iTie will remain the same, I will be changing the brand, name, etc in my efforts to further develop a full line of functional neckwear...not just a product called The iTie.

Now that I have established a demand with consumers, I will be actively pursuing relationships with major retailers throughout the United States so you may purchase the new and improved neckwear at a retailer near you.

I hope this past year has brought you much success and happiness. It's funny how 3 days before the end of the year, I have never been more excited to see what the future has in store. Thanks to someone special in my life and to each of my iTie customers!

Happy New Year to you and your loved ones!

Joe Sale
Founder of The iTie

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The iTie vs Thomas Pink's Commuter Tie -

This is not the first go around for Thomas Pink and the Commuter Tie. It has actually been around for 3 or 4 years and they stopped making it. I am going to put together a comparison of his Commuter Tie and my iTie so you, the consumer can make a wise decision as to which is better.

While the Commuter Tie has a huge name in fashion behind it, it does NOT compare to The iTie.

First of all, it does have a pocket specifically for the iPod Nano. The iTie features a concealed pocket for just about anything that will fit, including an iPod and other Mp3 players.

Secondly, Thomas Pink's Commuter Tie has NO means of attachment and DOES NOT stay in perfect position. The iTie not only stays ENTIRELY in perfect position, you don't have to put anything in the iTie pocket. The patented iTie pocket makes wearing a tie enjoyable and eliminates all the hassles of wearing other ties. Does Thomas Pink's have that feature?

Thirdly, the Commuter Tie only comes in 5 colors and costs $55-$100. The iTie comes in 35 designs and colors and The iTie pockets can be added to your existing necktie collection, giving your OLD ties NEW life! The iTie starts at only $20 and 6 iTie pockets can be purchased for $34.95, less than the cost of 1 Thomas Pink Tie.

There are virtually no benefits to choosing the Thomas Pink Commuter Tie over The iTie. In fact, you are still buying another necktie that will just get in your way and fly over your shoulder.

As you can see, I am not concerned with the Thomas Pink Commuter Tie competing with The iTie. If consumers want to overpay for a necktie that does not do anything for them, then by all means, go ahead.

What you do with your neckties is your business, my business is making highly functional neckties that WORK FOR YOU!

Keep an eye out for The iTie on Tyra Bank's Gift Giving Guide airing soon.


Joe Sale ~ President and Founder of The iTie

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The iTie has been all over the place, except here! Here is the update.

It has been a few months since I have posted anything on here. Mostly due to Facebook and Twitter taking over the Social Media World. Don't worry, The iTie is still growing and is stronger than ever.

Over the past two months, The iTie has been featured in The LA Times and the Sun Sentinal. In addition, The iTie has also been on The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien and Discovery Channel's Pitchmen, featuring Billy Mays and Sully.

With all of the success The iTie has seen over the past two months, we have also experienced a tremendous loss. I first met Billy Mays in a casting call for Pitchmen. During my pitch to Billy and Sully, I did a handstand to demonstrate how The iTie stays in perfect position, knocking over Billy in the process. During the pitch, they offered to do a short video endorsing The iTie that I can use on my website. That day has changed my life, all for the better and all thanks to Billy Mays. He went out of his way to help an entrepreneur get off the ground. Although we did not have the opportunity to work on a full direct response commercial, Billy gave me something I will never forget, the passion and drive to help others succeed.

Thank you Billy Mays, Sullivan Productions, and the Discovery Channel crew, Billy will be missed but will never be forgotten.

You can see all the videos on my facebook page

You can also follow me on Twitter

Monday, April 13, 2009

When was the last time your tie did something for you?

Don't be "THAT GUY"! You know, the guy with the aweful tie that is never in place, the guy who is always holding his tie or adjusting it or the guy who tucks his tie into his shirt during lunch. That guy can be found in every office, bank, hospital, government agency, etc....they are everywhere. Do yourself a an iTie and don't be "THAT GUY"! It's the only tie in the World that WORKS for you!
Are you tired of your same old neckties? Regardless of how much you pay for your neckties, $5-$250, no necktie in the World does what the iTie does. Stand out from the rest of the professional crowd and actually look professional! The iTie is the only tie in the World that will stay in perfect position and will never get in your way! In addition, The iTie features a concealed pocket allowing you to store business cards, credit cards, money, or even an iPod...all on the back of The iTie, hidden from view.

Once you wear an iTie, you will never want to wear one of your old ties again! It will never sway out of place, you will never have to tuck it into your shirt, you will not have to constantly adjust WORKS for you!

The 2nd collection of iTies will be available Wednesday April 15th. 30 new designs, all exclusive and limited quantity. In addition, a new web video will be released on Wednesday. The video demonstrate how the iTie works in multiple settings, not to mention, it features a couple STARS! Will have to wait and see for yourself!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The iTie - 2nd Collection - Coming Soon!!!

Thats right, the iTie is getting bigger and better every day! I am working on putting together the 2nd collection of iTies. There will be over 30 new designs, all custom and one of a kind! There will be a limited number of each design. I will also have several skinny ties, conversational ties, some XL (extra long) and a lot of beautiful standard ties.

The collection will be available for Father's Day as well as Graduation! The iTie makes a great gift, it's not just another tie! The iTie is the only tie in the World that stays in perfect position and features a concealed pocket, perfect for holding business cards, credit cards, money, or even an iPod.

In addition, I will have a couple of web videos coming out soon and may even be on The Discovery Channel! Stay tuned....

Friday, March 13, 2009

Mark Zuckerberg - CEO & Founder of Facebook NEEDS AN iTie!!!

The 24 year old Mark Zuckerberg, CEO and Founder of Facebook (not to mention billionaire) appeared on Oprah today. He sure could use an iTie! His tie was terribly out of place during his entire appearance.

Mark's Tie Status Update: I'm all over the place on Oprah!

Someone needs to "POKE" him and tell him about The iTie!

Mark needs to become a fan of The iTie facebook page!

Mark needs to buy me out! haha

Well, it is apparent that The iTie has a lot of work to do. The good news, every tie on the market or currently being worn does nothing The iTie does. Does your tie stay in perfect place? Does your tie feature a concealed pocket for business cards?

Please take a look and follow me on twitter,