Sunday, July 5, 2009

The iTie has been all over the place, except here! Here is the update.

It has been a few months since I have posted anything on here. Mostly due to Facebook and Twitter taking over the Social Media World. Don't worry, The iTie is still growing and is stronger than ever.

Over the past two months, The iTie has been featured in The LA Times and the Sun Sentinal. In addition, The iTie has also been on The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien and Discovery Channel's Pitchmen, featuring Billy Mays and Sully.

With all of the success The iTie has seen over the past two months, we have also experienced a tremendous loss. I first met Billy Mays in a casting call for Pitchmen. During my pitch to Billy and Sully, I did a handstand to demonstrate how The iTie stays in perfect position, knocking over Billy in the process. During the pitch, they offered to do a short video endorsing The iTie that I can use on my website. That day has changed my life, all for the better and all thanks to Billy Mays. He went out of his way to help an entrepreneur get off the ground. Although we did not have the opportunity to work on a full direct response commercial, Billy gave me something I will never forget, the passion and drive to help others succeed.

Thank you Billy Mays, Sullivan Productions, and the Discovery Channel crew, Billy will be missed but will never be forgotten.

You can see all the videos on my facebook page

You can also follow me on Twitter

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