Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Government is going to force Doctors to...

Did you know the Government is going to force doctors to not wear neckties? OSHA feels that neckties are a cause of bacteria and disease spreading in our hospitals. I suppose I can see why, when a doctor leans over, his tie touches one surface and later this is repeated on another surface. The other issue is a doctor adjusting his necktie with hands that have not been washed properly, or enough. Here is a story featured on CBS:

The iTie is the perfect solution to this problem! The iTie stays in perfect place, does not dangle or sway, and features a concealed pocket. The iTie would eliminate the need to adjust your necktie, thus reducing any threat of spreading bacteria. Every doctor who prefers to distinguish themselves by wearing a necktie can still do so!

Please visit for more info!

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