Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The iTie - 2nd Collection - Coming Soon!!!

Thats right, the iTie is getting bigger and better every day! I am working on putting together the 2nd collection of iTies. There will be over 30 new designs, all custom and one of a kind! There will be a limited number of each design. I will also have several skinny ties, conversational ties, some XL (extra long) and a lot of beautiful standard ties.

The collection will be available for Father's Day as well as Graduation! The iTie makes a great gift, it's not just another tie! The iTie is the only tie in the World that stays in perfect position and features a concealed pocket, perfect for holding business cards, credit cards, money, or even an iPod.

In addition, I will have a couple of web videos coming out soon and may even be on The Discovery Channel! Stay tuned....

Friday, March 13, 2009

Mark Zuckerberg - CEO & Founder of Facebook NEEDS AN iTie!!!

The 24 year old Mark Zuckerberg, CEO and Founder of Facebook (not to mention billionaire) appeared on Oprah today. He sure could use an iTie! His tie was terribly out of place during his entire appearance.

Mark's Tie Status Update: I'm all over the place on Oprah!

Someone needs to "POKE" him and tell him about The iTie!

Mark needs to become a fan of The iTie facebook page!

Mark needs to buy me out! haha

Well, it is apparent that The iTie has a lot of work to do. The good news, every tie on the market or currently being worn does nothing The iTie does. Does your tie stay in perfect place? Does your tie feature a concealed pocket for business cards?

Please take a look and follow me on twitter,

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The iTie was featured on The Fresno Bee website!!!

Thank you to Will Albritton and The Fresno Bee for featuring The iTie on their website. Please take a moment to check it out...

Very Cool!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Michael Scott "World's Best Boss" needs an iTie!!!

That's right, Michael Scott, the World's best Boss needs an fact, all the guys in "The Office" could use an iTie. I love The Office, it is one of my favorite shows on TV. With all of the antics from Dwight and Michael, there is no way these guys could live without an iTie. I'm surprised one of their ties have not ended up in the shredder by now and caused serious bodily harm.

Take a look at Michael, basting in his glory, with his necktie flapping in the wind.

The iTie makes a great gift for Father's Day as well as for your Boss. If you see your Boss's tie making him look less professional, suggest an iTie, then tell him he is the World's Best Boss...even better than Michael Scott!!!