Thursday, March 5, 2009

Michael Scott "World's Best Boss" needs an iTie!!!

That's right, Michael Scott, the World's best Boss needs an fact, all the guys in "The Office" could use an iTie. I love The Office, it is one of my favorite shows on TV. With all of the antics from Dwight and Michael, there is no way these guys could live without an iTie. I'm surprised one of their ties have not ended up in the shredder by now and caused serious bodily harm.

Take a look at Michael, basting in his glory, with his necktie flapping in the wind.

The iTie makes a great gift for Father's Day as well as for your Boss. If you see your Boss's tie making him look less professional, suggest an iTie, then tell him he is the World's Best Boss...even better than Michael Scott!!!

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