Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Jennifer Aniston and Brooks Brothers Ties - NO iTIE

Yet again, the world is blinded by the nakedness that is Jennifer Aniston. As beautiful as she may be, there is no denying that the Brooks Brothers $150 necktie is NOT an iTIE! Like the millions of other neckties in the World, it does not stay in perfect position, it does not feature a concealed pocket, and it is just another tie!

Do I have to get Angelina to wear my iTie for people to "get it"? The iTie eliminates all the hassles of wearing a standard necktie...and it would look great draped over any naked celebrity! In fact, it would look even hotter with an iPod in the iTie!

Angelina, call me! http://www.theitie.com

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Government is going to force Doctors to...

Did you know the Government is going to force doctors to not wear neckties? OSHA feels that neckties are a cause of bacteria and disease spreading in our hospitals. I suppose I can see why, when a doctor leans over, his tie touches one surface and later this is repeated on another surface. The other issue is a doctor adjusting his necktie with hands that have not been washed properly, or enough. Here is a story featured on CBS: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/05/25/health/main619496.shtml

The iTie is the perfect solution to this problem! The iTie stays in perfect place, does not dangle or sway, and features a concealed pocket. The iTie would eliminate the need to adjust your necktie, thus reducing any threat of spreading bacteria. Every doctor who prefers to distinguish themselves by wearing a necktie can still do so!

Please visit http://www.theitie.com/ for more info!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving - Special Holiday Savings from The iTie

I would first like to wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday. In these tough times, spending time with friends and loved ones is the most important thing. If only for a day or two, we can put the worries of the economy and the World news behind us and focus on the relationships we have within our lives. I am thankful for all of my friends and family and the continued support they have given me over the years!

As a token of my appreciation, I would like to offer you a special Holiday savings from The iTie. Receive a 20% discount and Free Shipping through the end of the year by using the promo code "Holidays" at checkout. Please visit http://www.theitie.com/.

Best Wishes to you and your family!

Joe Sale

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Everyday, I see someone who needs an iTie - BARACK OBAMA

It never ceases to amaze me that men have had to wear a necktie for 200 years. Evolution, technology, and creativity would almost ensure that someone would of developed a tie that stays in perfect place without a tie clip, tie bar, or other device.

In today's World, there should be no reason why a tie should make someone look ridiculous! Case in point, Barack Obama! President Elect Obama needs an iTie. All that talk about stimulating the economy, creating new jobs, and the American Dream...YOU NEED AN iTIE! Stimulate my economy Barack! Buy an iTie for everyone in Congress, the House, and all of Washington...we know most of them are crooked, their ties at least!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The iTie - From idea to launch!

I can remember it as if it were yesterday, living in Fort Lauderdale, working for a Fortune 500 company, and having to wear a tie 5 days a week....sounds great right? Well, everything except for having to wear a necktie everyday, flapping in the wind, shifting from left to right, dangling over the table during lunch...what a mess. I started thinking to myself, "how can I make my tie better than everyone else's?".

I started thinking about different ways to attach the tie to my dress shirt, tried using tie bars, clips, and other gadgets to keep my tie in place...and all of which were either ghastly (as a fashion accessory) or did fully fix the problem of wearing a flimsy piece of silk around your neck every day.

So after slaving and making the Fortune 500 company more money, I decided to start pursuing my own way of making my tie better than every other tie. That is when I came up with the The iTie!

The iTie combines a concealed pocket with two elastic strips. The pocket holds business cards, credit cards, money, and other personal items. It can also hold an iPod or Mp3 player and the headphone wires can be worn under the user's dress shirt.

The two elastic strips have 2 button holes which attach to the buttons on your dress shirt! So not only can you store items in the concealed pocket, but your tie now stays in perfect position (and allows for a little flexibility). Ingenious right!?

After 9 prototypes, a patent attorney, a trademark attorney, countless hours of networking, The iTie is finally off the ground and running. A year of hard work and dedication has lead to the culmination of http://www.theitie.com. I have my own line of iTies and the iTie pockets can be purchased and added to your existing necktie collection....bringing new life to old ties! Not to mention, these are exlusive designs limited to 10 of each iTie, ensuring you will not see another tie like it anywhere. Wear your iTie with pride, knowing your iTie will never get in the way and serves both form and function!

I am in the process of adding more exclusive designs to the website and am trying to establish an exclusive retail partnership or multiple retailers.

It is my goal to provide you with the trials and tribulations of bringing an idea to product and bringing that product to market.

You can visit the website and can also find me on MySpace, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Just search for Joe Sale and/or The iTie.

I hope to make wearing a tie more enjoyable, one tie at a time!