Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Look who needs an iTie! Our fine Governor, Charlie Crist

Dear Governor Crist,

You my friend, need an iTie! The iTie would be the finishing touch for your wardrobe. Your current ties do nothing to reflect the high level of professionalism you stride for. In addition, The iTie is designed by a Tampa native who is trying his hardest to gain exposure for his innovative product. Not only would The iTie be perfect for you, it would be great for law enforcement and other political and State officials, it NEVER gets in the way! It is the only tie in the World that stays in perfect place and features a concealed pocket on the back for business cards. It is my hopes you will one day wear an iTie for yourself. Until then, continue letting your ties be a distraction and nuisance.


Joe Sale

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Look Who Needs an iTie - Daily Installment

Every day I see someone who could use an iTie. It never ceases to amaze me how many people allow their necktie to define them. Take a close look at Doc from LOST in this scene from last night. Not only is he a doctor wearing a necktie, but it is dangling and hitting his "patient".

This is a prime example of a market segment for The iTie, Doctors and Medical Facilities. OSHA is trying to prevent doctors from wearing neckties for this exact reason, the necktie facilitates the spread of bacteria by being touched multiple times and touching multiple surfaces. The iTie corrects both of these issues and will allow doctors, surgeons, consultants, etc to maintain a high level of professionalism.

Please visit http://www.theitie.com/ for more info.

I will do my best to keep up with my daily installments of who needs an iTie!

Monday, January 19, 2009

2009 - A big year for The iTie

I would first like to thank all of you for your continued support, it means the World to me. 2009 is sure to bring a lot of changes for all of us, hopefully positive ones. In my efforts to increase awareness of my invention, The iTie and iTie pocket, 2009 will be a very productive year for me.

After the inauguration and the transition to Obama, I will be putting out a press release. Utilizing a very cool company http://www.ereleases.com/. This will help generate awareness on a national level.

I am also pursuing my number one prospect for a licensing agreement. I am sure this will be challenging but it is my best option for success. A licensing agreement will let a company with the necessary resources available to take The iTie to the next level.

In addition, I will be attending Superbowl parties and activities in Tampa, Running in the 5k Gasparilla Classic (wearing an iTie), and much more.

I look forward to having you come along for the ride....let's make 2009 a great year both professionally and personally.

Please visit the iTie website at http://www.theitie.com.