Monday, January 19, 2009

2009 - A big year for The iTie

I would first like to thank all of you for your continued support, it means the World to me. 2009 is sure to bring a lot of changes for all of us, hopefully positive ones. In my efforts to increase awareness of my invention, The iTie and iTie pocket, 2009 will be a very productive year for me.

After the inauguration and the transition to Obama, I will be putting out a press release. Utilizing a very cool company This will help generate awareness on a national level.

I am also pursuing my number one prospect for a licensing agreement. I am sure this will be challenging but it is my best option for success. A licensing agreement will let a company with the necessary resources available to take The iTie to the next level.

In addition, I will be attending Superbowl parties and activities in Tampa, Running in the 5k Gasparilla Classic (wearing an iTie), and much more.

I look forward to having you come along for the ride....let's make 2009 a great year both professionally and personally.

Please visit the iTie website at

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